Working Together

Neurodiversity Training and Consulting
AND Action! Training for Schools is a game-changer for teachers working with ND students. Drawing upon dramatic arts, social-emotional learning, her deep understanding of ND wiring as well as intersectionality with race, socio-economic status and culture, Liz will give teachers a fresh lens to understand their ND students, plus an action-based tool kit to set them up to thrive in the classroom.
AND Action! Training supports Corporations and Professional Organizations to develop the insight and skills to embrace all neurotypes. Liz’s humor and entertaining style will keep the whole room engaged without sacrificing depth. Participants will not only walk away with a different perspective of neurodiversity but actionable tools to help broaden and support your client, student, or employee base.

AND Action! at SCHOOL
Based on almost two decades of working in schools, Liz has developed a cutting-edge theater-based approach that spurs on growth by harnessing student strengths. AND ACTION! classes allow students to gain social-emotional skills through playful experiential learning. By creating a theatrical learning lab that is accessible to all neurotypes, students will gain self-awareness and build emotional vocabulary while discovering their strengths. Classes will also supply a healthy dose of play, which is the foundation of abstract reasoning, social engagement and complex problem-solving.
AND the ACTION doesn't stop when Liz leaves as these activities and skill sets can be easily transferred into the classroom and incorporated into lessons and therapies.
"Play is the highest form of research." Einstein

Creative Mentoring for ND Teens and Young Adults
Liz is eager to guide the next generation of singers, comedians, voice actors and podcast hosts to realize their potential - whether it is towards a career or finding joy, meaning and purpose in everyday life. Create a Stand Up Act, Develop Character Voices, or Try out Improv- Liz will guide your teen or tween to develop and share their unique talent.

After-School Drama and Improv Groups:
Drama is a powerful modality for neurodivergent tweens and teens! Here are some of the benefits of Liz's drama and improv groups:
- Fostering Emotional Awareness and Expression
- Encouraging Authentic Reciprocity
- Collaborating and connecting with peers
- Exploring Different Roles
- Cultivating Creating Expression
- Practicing Emotional Problem-Solving